) OMG and DME (OpenView and NewWave) The strategy behind the DME is to provide resource management for networks and systems in the open systems environment. OMG's strategic intent is to provide application management (i.e., for distributed data and object management). The DME framework will support multiple object model types. Initially this includes Tivoli object methods and the IBM data engine. In the future, OMG's object methods can also be integrated on top of the DME framework. It is HP's belief that multiple object methods will exist in the industry, not just one. There currently is overlap between OMG and DME and HP is committed to help provide assistance to reduce the overlap and provide maximum value to the customer. ) Last year, HP announced a relationship with Computer Associates to port their existing management solutions to your multiuser UNIX (S800) machines. How does winning the DME effect the CA relationship? At the time of the announcement, HP very offered the strategy for OpenView and the CA products. It is still our intent to have OpenView as the management framework for HP's multiuser systems. We have discussed with CA the use of the OpenView framework for their solutions. ) Will DME/OpenView be ported to all HP platforms (Domain, 3000, S800, S700)? HP OpenView will, in the future, be able to manage a 3000. We are currently investigating if we need to have OpenView Management Server ported to the HP 3000 line. OpenView is currently available on HP 9000 computers.